About Connor
My Story.
Hello, my name is Connor. Thank you for checking out our website.
I work with both Men and Women who are struggling with their weight and see it spiraling out of control. They avoid social situations and anything that requires physical effort. Just a small walk to an event can put them off going. They have tried lots of different weight loss programs and nothing ever lasts, yet the weight still comes back on and if not more.
I see my role in life is to get your confidence back, looking forward to events and have the life you decide. This could be as simple has walking around the shops without needing a rest, picking the clothes you want. Or going on holiday and not dreading going to the pool/ beach with your family and friends. My job is the best when somebody sends me a text saying “thank you, this weekend i managed to ride a bike with my kids for the first time in years.” When i receive these texts i get a real buzz and feel part of helping in someone journey.
We are a friendly service but we don`t judge, we just care about you moving forward at a pace that doesn’t overwhelm you. How do we do this, in small supportive communities, and changing habits. Going to our sessions will become fun and something you look forward to, especially when your away, i will even has far to say, you will probably miss it when you cant make the sessions.
Look forward to meeting you
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